What is AWS Elastic Beanstalk?
1.Preparing for AWS
Prepare to use AWS virtual environment
pip3 install virtualenv awsebcli
Create virtual environment outside the project
cd ..
virtualenv eb-vert
Activate virtual environment
You should try executing Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force in Your Power Shell.
NB: Remember to launch Power Shell as administrator.
Also make sure you use Scripts\Activate.PS1
Prepare the Virtual environment
pip install django pillow psycopg2
2. Deployment to AWS
Follow the official documentation https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/create-deploy-python-django.html
Check the list of installed apps
pip freeze
Prepare the requirement file
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Note: To check/change the file contents nano filename.txt on mac Linux notepad filename.txt on windows
Prepare .ebextensions for AWS
inside your project type mkdir .ebextensions
type ls to see it, if you could not see it type ls -a
Configure Django in .ebextensions
Create a file notepad .ebextensions/django.config
Add code
WSGIPath: prject-name/wsgi.py
Collect Static
python manage.py collectstatic
then deactivate
Deploy your site with the EB CLI
Make sure Built-in SSH in Windows 10 is activated
settings → updates and security → for developers → Developer Mode
Activate SSH client: settings → apps → Optional features → add a feature → OpenSSH Server & OpenSSH Client → Install
Initialze AWS Project
eb init -p python-3.6 project-name