1. Redirect (will prevent resubmitting the form, no context to update)
from django.shortcuts import redirect
return redirect('glossaries')
Pass parameters
return redirect(f'/customer/{pk}')
return redirect(to, permanent=False, *args, **kwargs)
Pass parameters to JavaScript
# In view
return redirect(f'/table/{record_id}?tab=tab2')
# In template JS
var tab = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("tab") || ''
if (tab !='' && document.getElementById(tab)){
Redirect and go to a section
return redirect(f'/project/{project_id}#sourceDocumentsSection')
2) Render (renders the context dictionary in to the template)
Always use with GET request, do not use with POST request
return render(request, template_name, context=None, content_type=None, status=None, using=None)
return render(request,'/result.html',{'foo':'bar'})
There is also render_to_response, the only difference is that it does not pass the request to the context.
3. Reverse (to a view)
If you need to use something similar to the url template tag in your code
from django.urls import reverse
From django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
return reverse('projects')
Pass args
return reverse('edit_project', kwargs={'project_id':4})
project_id = 4
return reverse('edit_project', args=(project_id,))
In urls.py we can add app name
app_name = 'wordcount'
In view
again_url = reverse('wordcount:index')
return HttpResponse(
f'Uploaded. Upload another')
4. Reverse_lazy()
(It is useful for when you need to use a URL reversal before your project’s URLConf is loaded)
5. resolve_url (Resolves URL paths to the corresponding view functions)
To View
from django.shortcuts import resolve_url
return resolve_url('edit_project', project_id=4)
6. HttpResponseRedirect (to a url)
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
return HttpResponseRedirect('/url-name-here/')
Redirect to the previous page
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
def someview(request):
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'))
from django.shortcuts import redirect
redirect(request.path_info) # No query parameters
redirect(request.build_absolute_uri()) # Keeps query parameters
redirect(request.get_full_path()) # Keeps query parameters
And keep the scroll position
Back to section Ids in Django
With redirect
return redirect(f'/project/{project_id}#infoSection')
Or with custom_tags.py
from django import template
from django.urls import reverse
register = template.Library()
def anchor(url_name, section_id):
return reverse(url_name) + '#' + section_id