Way 1: Annotate() & Query Expressions
How many chairs are needed for each company to seat all employees?
from django.db.models import F
company = Company.objects.filter(
chairs_needed=F('num_employees') - F('num_chairs')).first()
Way 2: Set anything on a python object
for obj in self.model.objects.all() :
obj.score = total_score / total_posts # This will work even if obj does not have a score attribute
In template
{{ obj.score }}
However, if the calculations you're doing can be done in the database, you should look into annotate.
Way 3 Modifying the queryset, Ensure you don't call .all()
qs = foo.objects.all(bar=1);
for obj in qs.all():
obj.caz = 1;
In template
{{ obj.caz }}
Way 4 Use a dictionary
newthing = {}
newthing['your_key'] = to_add
In template