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Kim Majali

Create Pages App for the Home Page

Author Avatar wrote on 26/05/2022

Create Pages App

  1. Stop the server

  2. Read more

Showing the Database’s content on the Front Facing

Author Avatar wrote on 26/05/2022

Listing the Questions on index.html

In under index function get the list of question and store them in an object then pass them to the url

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Django Build Front Facing Page

Author Avatar wrote on 26/05/2022

Create a View

Go tp polls/views.pyRead more

Setting Django Admin Area

Author Avatar wrote on 26/05/2022

  1. Type python createsuperuser

  2. Enter the preferred username, email, password

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Install Django and Create a Project

Author Avatar wrote on 26/05/2022

Install Django

  1. Create a folder

  2. Open folder with Visual Studio Code

  3. Read more

Topics: Basics